Hypocrisy quotes and sayings in latin

1. "Simulatio est vitium quod odit Deus et homines." (Hypocrisy is a vice that God and men hate.)

2. "Hypocrisis est hominum vitium, non Dei." (Hypocrisy is a vice of men, not of God.)

3. "Hypocrisis est peccatum quod in se ipsum cadit." (Hypocrisy is a sin that falls back on itself.)

4. "Hypocrisis est virtutis simulatio." (Hypocrisy is the simulation of virtue.)

5. "Hypocrisis est iniquitas sub specie pietatis." (Hypocrisy is injustice under the guise of piety.)

Above is Hypocrisy quotes and sayings in latin.

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