I love being me sayings

1. "I am enough just as I am."

2. "I am unique and that is my superpower."

3. "I am the author of my own story, and I choose to make it a good one."

4. "I love the person I've become because I fought to become her."

5. "I am not perfect, but I am perfectly me."

6. "I am a work in progress, but I love the journey."

7. "I am beautifully flawed and that's what makes me, me."

8. "I am proud of who I am and who I am becoming."

9. "I am grateful for all that I am and all that I have yet to become."

10. "I am my own kind of beautiful, and I embrace it fully."

Above is I love being me sayings.

Catchy flu sayings

1. Flu season is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.2. When life gives you the flu, make flu-ade.3. Fighting the flu one tissue at a time.4. Flu fighters unite!5. Flu: the original party crasher.6. Flu season: the ultimate test of immune strength.7. Flu got y

Japanese tattoo sayings

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Cheer sayings for posters

1. Believe in yourself and all that you are. You are capable of amazing things.2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.3. Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done.4. You are braver than you beli

Cute snack container sayings

1. Snack attack!2. Snack time is the best time3. Munchies on the go4. Snack happy5. Treat yourself6. Snackin' and relaxin'7. Satisfy your cravings8. Snack time, all the time9. Snack with a smile10. Snackin' is a lifestyle

Deep end sayings

1. Jumping in at the deep end2. Out of your depth3. Sink or swim4. In over your head5. Diving into the deep end6. Testing the waters7. Taking the plunge8. Thrown in at the deep end9. Navigating uncharted waters10. Going all in

Pics on tea benefits sayings for posters

1. Tea is liquid wisdom. - Anonymous2. Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept. - Frances Hardinge3. Tea is the elixir of life. - Lao Tzu4. Tea is the answer to everything. - Anonymous5. Tea is a hug in a cup. - Anonymous6. Tea is the ultimate mental and emotional healer.

Children's ministry sayings

1. Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.2. Let your light shine before others.3. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.4. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.5. Be kind to one another.6. God has a plan for you.7. Love your neighbor as yoursel

Cute berry sayings

1. Life is just a bowl of cherries.2. Sweet as a strawberry.3. Berry happy.4. Berrylicious.5. Berry good vibes.6. Berry sweet dreams.7. Berry much love.8. Berry nice to meet you.9. Berry special.10. Berry grateful.

Clever flute sayings

1. Music is the voice of the soul, and the flute is its chosen instrument.2. The flute is a whisper in the wind, a melody in the heart.3. In the hands of a skilled player, the flute can speak a language that transcends words.4. The flute is a magical wand that weaves spells of enchantment thr

Sayings trucking black dog

Trucking with a black dog by my side, we ride through the night with nothing to hide.