Igbo proverbsand sayings and their meanings

1. "Oji onu n'azu nwa" - The seed of the mouth germinates a child.

Meaning: Words have power and can influence the outcome of a situation.

2. "Ebe onye dara ka chi ya kwado" - Where one person is praised, another should not be jealous.

Meaning: Celebrate the success of others without feeling envious.

3. "Aka nri kota bu nri nwa" - The hand that washes the child is the hand that dries the child.

Meaning: The person who takes care of a child should also be responsible for their well-being.

4. "O buro na ogu, o buro na omena" - If it's not a battle, it's a dance.

Meaning: Life is full of challenges and opportunities, and one must be prepared for both.

5. "Ihe di nma bu uru" - Good things are like gold.

Meaning: Value and appreciate the good things in life.

6. "Ogini bu ahia?" - What is the price?

Meaning: Everything has a cost or value, and it is important to consider this before making decisions.

7. "Eziokwu bu ndu" - Truth is life.

Meaning: Honesty and integrity are essential for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

8. "Nwaanyi bu ihe oma" - A woman is a good thing.

Meaning: Women are valuable and should be respected and appreciated.

9. "Ihe anyi si na akpa nku, o ga-adi" - What we plant in the ground will grow.

Meaning: Our actions and decisions have consequences, so we should be mindful of what we sow.

10. "Onye wetara oji, wetara ndu" - He who brings kola nut brings life.

Meaning: The act of sharing and hospitality brings joy and life to others.

Above is Igbo proverbsand sayings and their meanings.

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