Ignorance arrogance sayings

1. "Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven." - William Shakespeare

2. "Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity." - Tim Fargo

3. "Ignorance and arrogance are the two great pillars of success." - Charles Kettering

4. "Arrogance is the child of ignorance." - Benjamin Franklin

5. "Ignorance is bold and knowledge reserved." - Thucydides

6. "Arrogance diminishes wisdom." - Arabian Proverb

7. "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star." - Confucius

8. "Arrogance is the hallmark of insecurity." - John C. Maxwell

9. "Ignorance is the mother of all evils." - Francois Rabelais

10. "Arrogance is the camouflage of weakness." - Tim Fargo

Above is Ignorance arrogance sayings.

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