Ilocano sayings about education

1. "Naimbag nga ar-aramid ti edukasyon, adda pay ti biag a mapan ag malagu."

(Translation: "A good education leads to a prosperous and beautiful life.")

2. "Ti panangipateg ti edukasyon ket panangipateg ti ilaw."

(Translation: "Seeking education is seeking light.")

3. "Ti edukasyon ket agsapa iti pannakapudno a napateg iti panagbiag."

(Translation: "Education is the key to a successful life.")

4. "Ti edukasyon ket agsapa iti pannakapudno a napateg iti panagbiag."

(Translation: "Education is the key to a successful life.")

5. "Ti panangipateg ti edukasyon ket panangipateg ti biag."

(Translation: "Pursuing education is pursuing life.")

Above is Ilocano sayings about education.

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