Imam reza sayings

Imam Reza, also known as Ali al-Ridha, was a prominent figure in Shia Islam and the eighth Imam of the Twelver Shia sect. He is highly revered by Shia Muslims for his wisdom and piety. Here are some sayings attributed to Imam Reza:

1. "The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget."

2. "The best of people is he whose life is long and his deeds are good."

3. "The best of your brothers is the one who forgets your mistakes and reminds you of your good deeds."

4. "The best wealth is wisdom."

5. "The best of your wealth is the richness of your soul."

6. "The best of your actions is the one that pleases Allah and benefits others."

7. "The best of your prayers is the one offered with a sincere heart."

8. "The best of your knowledge is that which leads you to fear Allah."

9. "The best of your companions is the one who helps you in remembering Allah."

10. "The best of your days is the one in which you do not commit any sin."

These sayings reflect Imam Reza's emphasis on forgiveness, good deeds, wisdom, piety, and the importance of pleasing Allah in all aspects of life.

Above is Imam reza sayings.

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