In loving memory sayings for a friend

1. "Gone but never forgotten, you will always hold a special place in our hearts."

2. "Your memory will live on in the laughter and love you brought into our lives."

3. "You may be gone from our sight, but you will never be gone from our hearts."

4. "In loving memory of a dear friend who brought light and joy to all who knew them."

5. "Your presence brought so much happiness, and your absence leaves a void that can never be filled."

6. "Forever in our hearts, your spirit will continue to guide and inspire us."

7. "Though you are no longer with us, your kindness and friendship will never be forgotten."

8. "We will cherish the memories we shared and hold them close as we remember you with love."

9. "Your friendship was a gift that we will always treasure, even in your absence."

10. "In loving memory of a friend who touched our lives in ways we will never forget."

Above is In loving memory sayings for a friend.

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