Indian english sayings

1. "No use crying over spilled milk." - Meaning there's no point in getting upset over something that has already happened.

2. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." - Meaning don't make plans based on something that hasn't happened yet.

3. "Haste makes waste." - Meaning rushing through things can lead to mistakes.

4. "Actions speak louder than words." - Meaning what you do is more important than what you say.

5. "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush." - Meaning it's better to have something certain than to risk losing it by trying to get something better.

6. "The early bird catches the worm." - Meaning those who act early or arrive first have the best chance of success.

7. "Too many cooks spoil the broth." - Meaning too many people involved in a task can lead to confusion and mistakes.

8. "All that glitters is not gold." - Meaning not everything that looks good on the surface is valuable or genuine.

9. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." - Meaning don't risk everything on a single venture or opportunity.

10. "Better late than never." - Meaning it's better to do something late than to not do it at all.

Above is Indian english sayings.

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