Infringe on my peace quotes and sayings

1. "Peace is not something you wish for; it's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away." - John Lennon

2. "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it." - Unknown

3. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

4. "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

5. "Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be." - Wayne Dyer

6. "The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace." - Carlos Santana

7. "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa

8. "If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." - Nelson Mandela

9. "Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family." - Menachem Begin

10. "The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world." - Marianne Williamson

Above is Infringe on my peace quotes and sayings.

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