Inspirational sobriety sayings

1. "Sobriety is a journey, not a destination."

2. "One day at a time."

3. "Sobriety is the greatest gift you can give yourself."

4. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."

5. "Sobriety is a new beginning, a chance to rewrite your story."

6. "You are stronger than your addiction."

7. "Sobriety is a commitment to yourself and your future."

8. "Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome."

9. "Every sober day is a victory."

10. "Sobriety is not the end, but the beginning of a fulfilling life."

Above is Inspirational sobriety sayings.

Sayings for getting fired

1. Getting fired is like a storm passing through, it may be rough but the sun will shine again.2. When one door closes, another one opens.3. Getting fired is just a detour, not a dead end.4. Sometimes getting fired is a blessing in disguise, leading you to better opportunities.5. Getting fi

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1. Missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them. 2. Distance means so little when someone means so much. 3. I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter. - Pablo Neruda 4. I wish you were here with me right now.

Nurses week card sayings

1. Thank you for your dedication, compassion, and hard work. Happy Nurses Week!2. Nurses are the heart of healthcare. Thank you for all that you do. Happy Nurses Week!3. Your care and kindness make a difference every day. Happy Nurses Week!4. Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes. Thank you

Sayings to writeon a tshirt to beat cancer

1. Cancer may have started the fight, but I will finish it.2. Stronger than cancer, braver than fear.3. Cancer picked the wrong warrior.4. Fighting cancer one day at a time.5. Cancer may be tough, but I am tougher.6. Warrior in the battle against cancer.7. Cancer can't dim my light.8.

Duck sayings funny

1. Like a duck to water.2. Quacking me up.3. Water off a duck's back.4. Happy as a duck in water.5. In a flap like a duck.6. Duck and cover.7. Fit as a duck.8. Duck out of water.9. Duck and weave.10. Like a sitting duck.