International womans day sayings

1. "Here's to strong women: may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them."

2. "Empowered women empower women."

3. "The future is female."

4. "Well-behaved women seldom make history."

5. "A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

6. "Women are the real architects of society." - Harriet Beecher Stowe

7. "Behind every successful woman is herself."

8. "Women hold up half the sky." - Chinese Proverb

9. "You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are."

10. "The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud." - Coco Chanel

Above is International womans day sayings.

Chinese new year red sayings

1. 恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái) - Wishing you prosperity2. 身体健康 (shēn tǐ jiàn kāng) - Wishing you good health3. 心想事成 (xīn xiǎng shì chéng) - May all your wishes come true4. 年年有余 (nián nián yǒu yú) - May you have abundance every year5. 步步高升 (bù bù gāo shēng) - May you rise step by step6. 笑口常开 (xiào kǒu chán

Sayings about life choices

1. Life is a series of choices. Choose wisely.2. The choices we make today shape our tomorrow.3. Every choice you make has the power to change your life.4. Life is a reflection of the choices we make. Choose wisely.5. In the end, we are the sum of our choices.6. The quality of your life i

Disney countdown sayings

1. It all started with a mouse. - Walt Disney2. Dreams really do come true at Disney.3. Just keep swimming! - Finding Nemo4. Adventure is out there! - Up5. Hakuna Matata, it means no worries! - The Lion King6. To infinity and beyond! - Toy Story7. A dream is a wish your heart makes. -

Cough drops sayings

1. Soothe your throat, calm your cough.2. Drop the cough with these soothing drops.3. Silence the cough, feel the relief.4. Let these drops be your cough's kryptonite.5. Cough drops: your throat's best friend.6. Say goodbye to coughing with these drops.7. Relief in every drop for your c

Sayings for teaching handwriting

1. Practice makes perfect.2. Slow and steady wins the race.3. Take your time and focus on each letter.4. Use proper posture and grip for better control.5. Consistency is key in improving handwriting.6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, they help you learn.7. Practice neatness and legibi

Charlemagne sayings

1. To have another language is to possess a second soul.2. Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky.3. To know two languages is to possess a second soul.4. A man who has no sense of the past, has no sense of the future.5. My sword I give to him that shall succeed me

Tank tops with funny sayings

Here are some funny sayings that could be on tank tops:1. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.2. I run on coffee, sarcasm, and inappropriate thoughts.3. I'm not lazy, I'm in energy-saving mode.4. I'm not a morning person, I'm not an afternoon person, I'm not an evening person.

Famous short sayings about poverty

1. The greatest wealth is to live content with little. - Plato2. Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. - Aristotle3. It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. - Seneca4. The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all

Famous drama quotes and sayings

1. To be, or not to be: that is the question. - William Shakespeare, Hamlet2. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. - William Shakespeare, As You Like It3. The play's the thing. - William Shakespeare, Hamlet4. The course of true love never did run smooth. - Willi

Stocking sayings

1. Hang your stockings with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon will be there.2. Stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.3. May your stocking be filled with joy and laughter this Christmas.4. The stockings were hung by the chimney with ca