Iowa state cyclone sayings

1. "Cyclone Power!"

2. "Fear the Cyclone!"

3. "Cyclone Nation, Stand Up!"

4. "Ride the Storm!"

5. "Once a Cyclone, Always a Cyclone!"

6. "Storming the Field!"

7. "Cyclone Pride, Worldwide!"

8. "Bleed Cardinal and Gold!"

9. "Cyclone Strong, Cyclone Proud!"

10. "Weathering the Competition!"

Above is Iowa state cyclone sayings.

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1. Crafting is my therapy2. Crafting is cheaper than therapy3. Crafting is my happy place4. Crafting makes everything better5. Crafting is my superpower6. Crafting is my love language7. Crafting is my escape8. Crafting is my way of life9. Crafting is my passion10. Crafting is wher