Iris goddess of rainbow sayings

1. "I am the bridge between heaven and earth, painting the sky with my vibrant colors."

2. "In every storm, I bring hope and promise of better days ahead."

3. "My presence reminds you that beauty can be found even in the darkest of times."

4. "I am the symbol of unity and diversity, showing that different colors can coexist in harmony."

5. "Let my rainbow guide you through life's challenges, leading you to brighter horizons."

6. "Embrace the spectrum of emotions, for each color in my rainbow represents a different facet of your being."

7. "I am the messenger of the gods, bringing messages of peace, love, and renewal."

8. "When you see my rainbow in the sky, know that I am watching over you with love and protection."

9. "May my colors inspire you to embrace your own uniqueness and shine brightly in the world."

10. "Remember, after every storm, there is a rainbow waiting to remind you of the beauty and magic of life."

Above is Iris goddess of rainbow sayings.

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