Iroquois sayings

Here are a few traditional Iroquois sayings:

1. "The Great Law of Peace is in our hands. It is our duty to preserve it for the unborn children."

2. "We are all related, connected by the same life force that flows through all living things."

3. "Listen to the wisdom of the elders, for they carry the knowledge of our ancestors."

4. "Give thanks for the gifts of the earth, for they sustain us and provide for our needs."

5. "Walk softly on the earth and leave no trace, for we are only temporary visitors in this world."

6. "The strength of the wolf is in the pack, and the strength of the pack is in the wolf."

7. "When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life, and for your strength."

8. "Respect the balance of nature, for it is the key to our survival and well-being."

9. "The tree of peace has deep roots, and its branches reach out to all who seek shelter beneath it."

10. "May the winds of change bring renewal and growth, and may we always walk in harmony with the earth."

Above is Iroquois sayings.

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