Islam arabic sayings

1. "الصبر مفتاح الفرج" (Patience is the key to relief)

2. "العلم نور" (Knowledge is light)

3. "لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله" (There is no power nor strength except with Allah)

4. "الحمد لله" (Praise be to Allah)

5. "اللهم اهدنا فيمن هديت" (O Allah, guide us among those whom You have guided)

6. "لا إله إلا الله" (There is no god but Allah)

7. "الله أكبر" (Allah is the Greatest)

8. "استغفر الله" (I seek forgiveness from Allah)

9. "اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد" (O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad)

10. "اللهم بارك لنا فيما رزقتنا" (O Allah, bless us in what You have provided for us)

Above is Islam arabic sayings.

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