Islamic sayings about friends and test for true friendship

1. "A true friend is a blessing from Allah." - Unknown

2. "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." - Unknown

3. "A true friend is like a mirror, reflecting your true self back to you." - Unknown

4. "The best friend is the one who, when you need them, they are there for you without you having to ask." - Unknown

5. "A true friend is one who advises you sincerely, helps you in times of need, and stands by you in times of hardship." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

In Islam, true friendship is tested through various ways, including:

1. Loyalty: A true friend remains loyal and steadfast in their support, even in difficult times.

2. Trustworthiness: A true friend is trustworthy and can be relied upon to keep your secrets and confidences.

3. Sincerity: A true friend genuinely cares for your well-being and is sincere in their intentions towards you.

4. Support: A true friend offers support and encouragement, especially during challenging times.

5. Forgiveness: A true friend is quick to forgive and overlooks mistakes, understanding that nobody is perfect.

6. Kindness: A true friend shows kindness and compassion towards you and others, reflecting the teachings of Islam on good character and manners.

Overall, true friendship in Islam is based on mutual respect, trust, and sincerity, and it is a relationship that is valued and cherished as a gift from Allah.

Above is Islamic sayings about friends and test for true friendship.

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