Italian drinking sayings

1. "In vino veritas" - In wine, there is truth.

2. "Chi beve solo s'ubriaca due volte" - He who drinks alone, gets drunk twice.

3. "A tavola non s'invecchia" - At the table, one does not grow old.

4. "Meglio un bicchiere di vino che un litro d'acqua" - Better a glass of wine than a liter of water.

5. "L'acqua fa male, il vino fa cantare" - Water is harmful, wine makes you sing.

6. "Chi beve bene, dorme bene" - He who drinks well, sleeps well.

7. "Il vino è il sole dei poveri" - Wine is the sun of the poor.

8. "Chi beve birra, dorme bene; chi dorme non pecca; chi non pecca va in paradiso. Allora, bevi birra e vai in paradiso!" - He who drinks beer, sleeps well; he who sleeps does not sin; he who does not sin goes to heaven. Therefore, drink beer and go to heaven!

Above is Italian drinking sayings.

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