Italian sayings about bread

1. "Pane al pane, vino al vino." (Bread to bread, wine to wine) - This saying means to speak plainly and directly without beating around the bush.

2. "Chi ha il pane non ha i denti, chi ha i denti non ha il pane." (He who has bread has no teeth, he who has teeth has no bread) - This saying highlights the irony of having something but not being able to fully enjoy it.

3. "Il pane del sabato dura fino a domenica." (Saturday's bread lasts until Sunday) - This saying implies that something good or enjoyable should be savored and enjoyed for as long as possible.

4. "Meglio un pezzo di pane secco in pace, che una casa piena di banchetti con contese." (Better a piece of dry bread in peace, than a house full of banquets with quarrels) - This saying emphasizes the importance of simplicity and harmony over extravagance and conflict.

5. "Il pane della nonna sa di paradiso." (Grandma's bread tastes like heaven) - This saying highlights the special and comforting taste of homemade bread, especially when made by a grandmother.

Above is Italian sayings about bread.

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