Italian sayings about travel
1. "Viaggiare è come sognare: la differenza è che non tutti, al risveglio, ricordano qualcosa, mentre ognuno conserva calda la memoria della meta da cui è tornato." - Edgar Allan Poe
2. "Chi viaggia vive due volte." - Omar Khayyam
3. "Il mondo è un libro e chi non viaggia ne legge solo una pagina." - Sant'Agostino
4. "Viaggiare è l'unica cosa che compri che ti rende più ricco." - Anonimo
5. "Non si viaggia per fuggire dalla vita, ma affinché la vita non ci sfugga." - Anonimo
6. "La felicità è una strada, non una meta." - Anonimo
7. "Viaggiare è come innamorarsi: il mondo si fa nuovo." - Jan Myrdal
8. "La vera gioia del viaggio sta nel viaggiare stesso." - Rosalia de Castro
9. "Viaggiare è scoprire che tutti hanno ragione." - Aldous Huxley
10. "Viaggiare è come respirare: se non lo faccio, muoio." - Miriam Adeney
Above is Italian sayings about travel.
1. Actions speak louder than words.2. Put your money where your mouth is.3. Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk.4. Talk is cheap.5. Don't just talk about it, be about it.6. Empty vessels make the most noise.7. It's not what you say, it's what you do.8. Talk is easy, action is hard
1. Don't judge me by my past. I don't live there anymore. 2. Before you judge me, make sure you're perfect. 3. Don't judge me based on your ignorance. 4. Don't judge me by my choices when you don't know the options I had to choose from. 5. Don't judge me by my mistakes, judge me by how I le
1. Gone but never forgotten.2. In loving memory of a life well lived.3. You may be gone, but you will always be in our hearts.4. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.5. Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.6. Forever in our
1. May your journey be safe and filled with exciting adventures.2. Wishing you smooth travels and memorable experiences along the way.3. May the road rise up to meet you and the wind be always at your back.4. Bon voyage! May your travels be filled with joy and discovery.5. Safe travels and
1. Life is like a pier, sometimes calm and steady, other times turbulent and unpredictable.2. Just as a pier stands strong against the waves, may you stand firm in the face of challenges.3. A pier is a bridge between land and sea, symbolizing the connection between the known and the unknown.4.
1. Do to others as you would have them do to you. - Luke 6:312. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. - Proverbs 15:13. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:184. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
Sure, here are some other sayings for being stoned:1. High2. Baked3. Blazed4. Lit5. Elevated6. Zooted7. Faded8. Buzzed9. Wasted10. Smacked
1. Chew your worries away with a piece of gum.2. Life is better with a little bubblegum pop.3. Stick with me like gum on a shoe.4. Blow away your troubles with a bubble of gum.5. Gum: the sweetest way to freshen up your day.6. Chew on this: gum makes everything better.7. Stick together
National Lampoon is a humor magazine that has produced many iconic sayings and quotes over the years. Some of the most famous National Lampoon sayings include:1. If you don't buy this magazine, we'll kill this dog.2. Dogs in heat drive men to distraction.3. If you can't be with the one you love
1. Going down2. Munching3. Licking4. Dining at the Y5. Feasting6. Tasting7. Nibbling8. Savoring9. Devouring10. Enjoying a snack