Italian sayings for a shrug

1. "Boh, chissà!" (Translation: "I don't know, who knows!")

2. "Mah, che vuoi che sia?" (Translation: "Well, what do you want it to be?")

3. "Non c'è male!" (Translation: "Not bad!")

4. "Fatti tuoi!" (Translation: "Mind your own business!")

5. "Pazienza!" (Translation: "Oh well, too bad!")

6. "Che importa?" (Translation: "What does it matter?")

7. "Sarà quel che sarà!" (Translation: "It will be what it will be!")

8. "Tanto vale!" (Translation: "Might as well!")

9. "Che ne so!" (Translation: "What do I know!")

10. "Non fa niente!" (Translation: "It doesn't matter!")

Above is Italian sayings for a shrug.

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