Japanese sayings about success

1. "七転び八起き" (Nanakorobi yaoki) - "Fall seven times, stand up eight." This saying emphasizes the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.

2. "一日一歩" (Ichinichi ippo) - "One day, one step." This saying encourages taking consistent and steady progress towards a goal, emphasizing the importance of persistence and patience.

3. "石の上にも三年" (Ishi no ue ni mo san nen) - "Even on a stone, three years." This saying highlights the idea that with enough time and effort, success can be achieved even in the most difficult circumstances.

4. "花は一時、実は永遠" (Hana wa hitotoki, mi wa eien) - "Flowers bloom for a moment, but fruit lasts forever." This saying reminds us that true success is not just about temporary achievements, but about long-lasting and meaningful results.

5. "鶴は千年、亀は万年" (Tsuru wa sennen, kame wa mannen) - "The crane lives for a thousand years, the turtle for ten thousand years." This saying symbolizes the idea that success often comes with patience, perseverance, and longevity.

Above is Japanese sayings about success.

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