Japanese sayings about wind

1. 風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる (かぜがふけばおけやがもうかる) - When the wind blows, the cooper (barrel maker) profits. (Meaning: Opportunities arise unexpectedly.)

2. 風前の灯火 (ふうぜんのとうか) - A flickering light in the wind. (Meaning: A precarious situation.)

3. 風林火山 (ふうりんかざん) - Wind, forest, fire, mountain. (Meaning: Versatility and adaptability are key to success.)

4. 風の噂 (かぜのうわさ) - Rumors in the wind. (Meaning: Unverified information or gossip.)

5. 風の子 (かぜのこ) - Child of the wind. (Meaning: A free-spirited person.)

These are just a few examples of Japanese sayings related to the wind.

Above is Japanese sayings about wind.

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