Japanese sayings in japanese

1. 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。(Koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu) - "If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub."

2. 猿も木から落ちる。(Saru mo ki kara ochiru) - "Even monkeys fall from trees."

3. 花より団子。(Hana yori dango) - "Dumplings over flowers." (Meaning substance over style)

4. 七転び八起き。(Nanakorobi yaoki) - "Fall seven times, stand up eight."

5. 雨降って地固まる。(Ame futte ji katamaru) - "After the rain, the ground hardens." (Meaning difficulties can lead to growth and strength)

Above is Japanese sayings in japanese.

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