Jared diamond sayings

Here are some quotes by Jared Diamond, the renowned author and scientist:

1. "The past is the key to the present."

2. "History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves."

3. "The striking differences between the long-term histories of peoples of the different continents have been due not to innate differences in the people themselves but to differences in their environments."

4. "We're all brothers under the skin - and I, for one, would be willing to skin humanity to prove it."

5. "The rise of agriculture was a revolution, but it was not a sudden revolution."

6. "The roots of inequality in the modern world lie in the biological differences between the continents."

7. "We're all human, but we're not all the same."

8. "History is full of people who out of fear, or ignorance, or lust for power have destroyed knowledge of immeasurable value which truly belongs to us all. We must not let it happen again."

9. "The rise of agriculture was a slow, piecemeal process."

10. "The world's present population of over 5.5 billion is not sustainable at the present rate of consumption."

Above is Jared diamond sayings.

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