Jersey slang sayings

1. "Down the shore" - Refers to going to the beach or the Jersey Shore.

2. "Fuggedaboutit" - Means forget about it or don't worry about it.

3. "Wawa run" - Refers to going to the convenience store chain Wawa for snacks or drinks.

4. "Pork roll" - Refers to a popular breakfast meat in New Jersey, also known as Taylor Ham.

5. "Benny" - Refers to tourists who visit the Jersey Shore, particularly from New York or North Jersey.

6. "Jughandle" - Refers to the unique traffic feature in New Jersey where drivers must use a ramp to make a left turn.

7. "Shoobie" - Refers to tourists who visit the beach for the day and bring all their belongings in a shoebox.

8. "Taylor ham, egg, and cheese" - Refers to a popular breakfast sandwich in New Jersey.

9. "The Turnpike" - Refers to the New Jersey Turnpike, a major highway in the state.

10. "The Parkway" - Refers to the Garden State Parkway, another major highway in New Jersey.

Above is Jersey slang sayings.

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