Jesse owens quotes and sayings

1. "We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."

2. "We all have problems. The way we solve them is what makes us different."

3. "Find the good. It's all around you. Find it, showcase it and you'll start believing in it."

4. "The battles that count aren't the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself - the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us - that's where it's at."

5. "Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust."

6. "The only bond worth anything between human beings is their humanness."

7. "We all have a little Jesse Owens in us."

8. "The only way to enjoy anything in this life is to earn it first."

9. "I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."

10. "I wanted no part of politics. And I wasn't in Berlin to compete against any one athlete. The purpose of the Olympics, anyway, was to do your best. As I'd learned long ago from Charles Riley, the only victory that counts is the one over yourself."

Above is Jesse owens quotes and sayings.

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