Jim cornette sayings

Jim Cornette is a well-known professional wrestling personality known for his colorful commentary and outspoken opinions. Here are some famous Jim Cornette sayings:

1. "I don't have a problem with people who are different from me, I have a problem with people who are stupid."

2. "I don't hate people, I just hate stupid people."

3. "I'm not a people person, I'm a wrestling person."

4. "I don't play well with others, I never have."

5. "I have a low tolerance for incompetence and stupidity."

6. "I don't suffer fools gladly."

7. "I'm not a fan of change, especially when it's change for the worse."

8. "I have a problem with people who don't know what they're talking about."

9. "I have a low threshold for idiocy."

10. "I don't have time for ignorance and stupidity."

Above is Jim cornette sayings.

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