Jivara sayings about revolution

1. "Revolution is not just a change in power, but a transformation of society from the roots up."

2. "In the face of oppression, revolution is the only path to liberation."

3. "The fire of revolution burns brightest in the hearts of the oppressed."

4. "Revolution is the voice of the voiceless, the power of the powerless."

5. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy

6. "Revolution is the art of the impossible made possible."

7. "Revolution is the heartbeat of a nation yearning for change."

8. "The revolution will not be televised, it will be felt in the streets and in the hearts of the people."

9. "Revolution is the birthright of the oppressed, the legacy of the brave."

10. "In the face of injustice, revolution is not a choice but a duty."

Above is Jivara sayings about revolution.

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