Joe exotic funny sayings

1. "I'm broke as shit, I don't have a pot to piss in, and I'm running for governor."

2. "I am the most dangerous exotic animal owner on this planet right now."

3. "I'm never gonna financially recover from this."

4. "I'm gay as a three-dollar bill."

5. "I'm outspoken, good looking, love to party and have fun."

6. "I'm Joe Exotic, otherwise known as the Tiger King, the gay, gun-carrying redneck with a mullet."

7. "I'm not cutting my hair. I'm not changing the way I dress. I refuse to wear a suit."

8. "I'm the most prolific breeder of tigers in the United States."

9. "I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't know."

10. "I've always been a little bit different."

Above is Joe exotic funny sayings.

Babasaheb ambedkar sayings in hindi

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