Joe pasquale sayings

Here are some popular sayings by Joe Pasquale:

1. "I'm not saying my wife's a bad cook, but she uses a smoke alarm as a timer."

2. "I'm so unfit, I get out of breath blowing up a lilo."

3. "I'm not saying I'm unfit, but I can't even run a bath."

4. "I'm not saying I'm forgetful, but I once forgot my own name for a whole day."

5. "I'm not saying I'm clumsy, but I once tripped over a wireless internet connection."

6. "I'm not saying I'm a bad driver, but I once got lost in a car park."

7. "I'm not saying I'm a hypochondriac, but I once called an ambulance because I had a headache."

8. "I'm not saying I'm a bad dancer, but my signature move is the 'trip and fall'."

9. "I'm not saying I'm unlucky, but I once got hit by a parked car."

10. "I'm not saying I'm a bad comedian, but my jokes are so bad, even the crickets don't chirp."

Above is Joe pasquale sayings.

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