Joel osteen motivational sayings

1. "You are strong, you are capable, you are victorious."

2. "God's plan for your life is greater than any setback you may face."

3. "Don't let the negative voices in your head drown out the positive voice of God."

4. "You may be facing a tough time, but remember, tough times don't last, tough people do."

5. "Your best days are still ahead of you, keep moving forward with faith."

6. "Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and believe in the power of God working in your life."

7. "Don't let fear hold you back, step out in faith and watch miracles happen."

8. "You are not defined by your past, you are defined by who God says you are."

9. "Stay positive, stay hopeful, and trust that God is working all things together for your good."

10. "You are a child of God, created for a purpose and destined for greatness."

Above is Joel osteen motivational sayings.

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