John mcclane die hard sayings

1. "Yippee-ki-yay, motherf****r!"

2. "Welcome to the party, pal!"

3. "Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the ass."

4. "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs."

5. "Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho."

6. "You throw quite a party. I didn't realize they celebrated Christmas in Japan."

7. "Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister."

8. "No f***ing s**t, lady. Does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza?"

9. "I'm on vacation."

10. "Just once, I'd like a regular, normal Christmas. Eggnog, a f***ing Christmas tree, a little turkey. But, no. I gotta crawl around in this motherf***ing tin can."

Above is John mcclane die hard sayings.

Sayings about 2020 pandemic

1. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. - Sun Tzu2. Tough times never last, but tough people do. - Robert H. Schuller3. This too shall pass. - Persian adage4. Adversity introduces a man to himself. - Albert Einstein5. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that

Hardship quotes and sayings

1. Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. - C.S. Lewis2. The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. - Chinese Proverb3. The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. - Epicurus4. Hardships make or break people.

Cute thanksgiving quotes and sayings

1. Gratitude turns what we have into enough. - Unknown2. Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. - Unknown3. Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings, not your calories. - Unknown4. Gratitude is the heart's memory. - French Proverb5. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it i

German sayings for returned vitality

1. Neues Leben eingehaucht bekommen. (To be given new life.)2. Wieder aufblühen. (To bloom again.)3. Neue Energie tanken. (To recharge with new energy.)4. Wieder auf die Beine kommen. (To get back on one's feet.)5. Die Lebensgeister sind zurückgekehrt. (The spirits of life have returned.)6

Common parents sayings

1. Because I said so.2. Do as I say, not as I do.3. Money doesn't grow on trees.4. I'm not running a hotel here.5. When I was your age...6. Don't make me come up there.7. You'll understand when you're older.8. I brought you into this world, I can take you out.9. I'm not your maid.1

Baseball awards certificates sayings

1. Most Valuable Player - Your dedication and skill have truly set you apart on the field. Congratulations on this well-deserved award!2. Rookie of the Year - Your impressive debut season has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the hard work and dedication to the game!3. Gold Glove Award - Your defensi

Sayings window of opportunity

The window of opportunity is often small, but it can lead to great possibilities.

Pretty men sayings

1. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. - John Barrymore2. A real man loves his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father. - Frank Abagnale3. The real man

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Marilyn monroe quotes and sayings about men

1. A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left. - Marilyn Monroe2. Men who think that a woman's past love affairs lessen her love for them are usually stupid and weak. - Marilyn Monroe3. I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the