Julius malema sayings

Julius Malema, a South African politician and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, is known for his controversial and often provocative statements. Some of his notable sayings include:

1. "We are not scared of white people, we've been fighting white people for a very long time."

2. "We are not calling for the slaughter of white people, at least for now."

3. "We are not going to be apologetic about the land question. The land question must be resolved."

4. "We are not going to listen to any dictation from white people."

5. "We are not going to be told by anyone how to deal with our land."

6. "We are not going to be threatened by white people. We are not scared of white people."

7. "We are not going to allow white people to threaten us."

8. "We are not going to be apologetic about being black."

9. "We are not going to be apologetic about being African."

10. "We are not going to be apologetic about being radical."

Above is Julius malema sayings.

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