July sayings funny

1. "July is like a hot oven, but instead of cookies, we're all just melting."

2. "July: the month where the sun tries to cook us alive, but we still go outside for BBQs."

3. "July is the month where my ice cream melts faster than I can eat it."

4. "July: the only time of year where you can sweat while standing still."

5. "July is the month where my air conditioner becomes my best friend."

6. "July: the month where I start to question why I ever complained about the cold."

7. "July is like a sauna, but without the relaxing spa music."

8. "July: the month where I consider moving to Antarctica."

9. "July is the month where I become a professional at dodging sunburns."

10. "July: the month where I pretend I'm a lizard basking in the sun."

Above is July sayings funny.

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