Jungle cruise sayings

Here are some popular sayings from the Jungle Cruise ride at Disney theme parks:

1. "Welcome aboard the world-famous Jungle Cruise! My name is [Skipper's name] and I'll be your skipper, guide, social director, and dance instructor for the next five exciting days and ten romantic nights."

2. "Please keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the boat at all times. And parents, please watch your children. Because I won't."

3. "We're now entering the hippo pool, the most dangerous part of our journey. Hippos are known to capsize boats, but don't worry, only half of the boats that go in here don't come out."

4. "Up ahead, we have the beautiful Schweitzer Falls, named after the famous explorer, Dr. Albert Falls."

5. "On your left, you'll see the eighth wonder of the world - the backside of water!"

6. "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for - the amazing, the stupendous, the eighth wonder of the world... the backside of water!"

7. "If you look to your right, you'll see some ancient ruins. They were built by ancient people, but we like to call them 'ruins' for short."

8. "And now, as we approach the dock, please remember to gather all your belongings and exit the boat in an orderly fashion. If you enjoyed your cruise, my name is [Skipper's name]. If you didn't, my name is Bob."

Above is Jungle cruise sayings.

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Rug sayings

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