Karaoke quotes and sayings

1. "Sing like no one is listening."

2. "Life is a song, sing it."

3. "Music is the universal language of mankind."

4. "In music, the passions enjoy themselves."

5. "Sing your heart out."

6. "Every song has a story."

7. "Karaoke: where tone-deafness meets confidence."

8. "Singing is like a celebration of oxygen."

9. "Music is the voice of the soul."

10. "Karaoke: the art of making a fool of yourself in front of strangers."

Above is Karaoke quotes and sayings.

Lancashire quotes and sayings

1. Lancashire born and bred, strong in the arm and thick in the head.2. As Lancashire as hotpot and a pint of bitter.3. In Lancashire, we say it as it is, no beating around the bush.4. From the red rose county, where the people are as warm as the welcome.5. Lancashire lads and lasses, tough

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1. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:12. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:53. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. - Matthew 18:204. Do not be anxious about anything,

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French tumblr sayings

1. La vie est trop courte pour ne pas être soi-même. (Life is too short to not be yourself.)2. La beauté est dans les imperfections. (Beauty is in imperfections.)3. Laisse briller ta lumière intérieure. (Let your inner light shine.)4. Suis ton propre chemin, même s'il est différent. (Follow

Sayings like stronger than youre average bear

1. Tougher than a two-dollar steak.2. Stronger than a locomotive.3. As tough as nails.4. Built like a brick house.5. Tougher than a junkyard dog.6. Stronger than an ox.7. Hard as a rock.8. Tough as old boots.9. As strong as an oak tree.10. Tougher than a boiled owl.

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