Karate sayings

1. "The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants."

2. "Karate begins and ends with respect."

3. "The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle."

4. "Karate is not about winning or losing, but about the will to continue and never give up."

5. "In karate, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

6. "Karate is a way of life, not just a sport."

7. "The true essence of karate is found in the relentless pursuit of self-improvement."

8. "Karate is not about how strong you are, but how strong your mind is."

9. "The greatest enemy in karate is yourself. Overcome your fears and limitations."

10. "Karate is like boiling water; if you do not heat it constantly, it will cool."

Above is Karate sayings.

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