Karma sayings and quotes

1. "What goes around comes around."

2. "Your actions create your future."

3. "Do good and good will come to you."

4. "The energy you put out into the world will come back to you."

5. "Treat others as you would like to be treated."

6. "Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve."

7. "The universe has a way of balancing things out."

8. "Every action has a reaction."

9. "You reap what you sow."

10. "Karma is like a boomerang, it always comes back to you."

Above is Karma sayings and quotes.

Dirty unicorn sayings

1. Ride the wild unicorn of chaos.2. Embrace the untamed spirit of the dirty unicorn.3. Let your inner unicorn run wild and free in the mud.4. Dance with the dirty unicorn under the moonlight.5. Unleash the power of the dirty unicorn within you.6. Follow the hoofprints of the dirty unicor

Mirandize sayings about

I have the right to remain silent, but I choose to speak my truth. Anything I say can and will be used against me in the court of life. I am entitled to a fair trial by the jury of my peers, but ultimately I am the judge of my own actions. I will not be a prisoner of my past, but a pioneer of

Feeling nervous sayings

1. My heart is racing a mile a minute.2. I've got butterflies in my stomach.3. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells.4. I'm all jittery and on edge.5. I can't seem to shake this feeling of unease.6. I'm a bundle of nerves right now.7. I'm feeling a bit shaky and unsettled.8. I'm sweati

Sayings about simple beauty

1. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci2. Beauty in simplicity. 3. Less is more. 4. Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance. - Coco Chanel5. In simplicity there is beauty. 6. The simplest things are often the truest. 7. Beauty lies in the simplest of thi

Friendship sayings tattoos

1. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.2. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.3. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there.4. Friendship is a sheltering tree.5. In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.6. F

Bboy sayings

1. Breakin' is a way of life, not just a dance.2. The floor is my canvas, and my body is the paintbrush.3. In breaking, we express ourselves without words.4. Every battle is a chance to prove yourself and elevate your skills.5. The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.6. Respect the

Landscape inspirational sayings art

1. Nature is the art of God. - Dante Alighieri2. In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. - John Muir3. The earth has music for those who listen. - William Shakespeare4. The beauty of the natural world lies in the details. - Natalie Angier5. Nature always wears the co

Great sayings about darkness

1. In the darkness, you will find the light. - Unknown2. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars. - John Green3. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. - Martin Luther King Jr.4. Even in the darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope. - Unknown5. The nigh

Liberia sayings

1. When the drum beats, the spirits dance. - This saying reflects the belief in the power of music and dance to connect with the spiritual world.2. One hand cannot clap. - This saying emphasizes the importance of cooperation and working together to achieve common goals.3. The sun does not forge

Common sight sayings

1. Seeing is believing.2. Out of sight, out of mind.3. A sight for sore eyes.4. Set your sights on (something).5. In plain sight.6. Keep an eye out for (something).7. Sight unseen.8. Eyesore.9. Sight for sore eyes.10. Lose sight of (something).