Karma sayings for liars

1. "The truth always comes out in the end, no matter how many lies are told."

2. "Lies may deceive others, but they can never deceive karma."

3. "Lies may bring temporary gain, but they always lead to long-term consequences."

4. "A liar's web of deceit will eventually unravel under the weight of karma."

5. "Karma has a way of balancing the scales for those who deceive with lies."

6. "Lies may create a facade of success, but karma sees through the illusion."

7. "The more lies you tell, the heavier the burden of karma you carry."

8. "Lies may seem like a shortcut, but they only lead to a dead end in the eyes of karma."

9. "Karma is the ultimate truth-teller, exposing the lies of those who deceive."

10. "In the end, the liar will be left alone with their lies, facing the consequences brought by karma."

Above is Karma sayings for liars.

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