Karmic sayings to send to my daughter

1. "The energy you put out into the world will always come back to you. Choose kindness and positivity."

2. "Remember, what goes around comes around. Treat others with love and respect."

3. "Stay true to yourself and your values, for your actions will shape your destiny."

4. "The universe rewards those who act with compassion and understanding."

5. "Every action has a reaction. Make sure yours are filled with love and light."

6. "Your thoughts and actions create ripples in the universe. Make sure they are ones you are proud of."

7. "The universe is always listening. Make sure your words and actions reflect the goodness in your heart."

8. "Stay mindful of your intentions, for they have the power to shape your reality."

9. "Trust in the power of karma to guide you towards the path of righteousness."

10. "May your actions be a reflection of the love and light within your soul."

Above is Karmic sayings to send to my daughter.

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