Katie hopkins worst sayings

Katie Hopkins, a controversial British media personality, has made several statements over the years that have been widely criticized for being offensive, inflammatory, and discriminatory. Some of her worst sayings include:

1. Referring to migrants as "cockroaches" and suggesting that gunships should be used to stop them from crossing the Mediterranean.

2. Claiming that dementia patients are "blocking" hospital beds and should be left to die in order to free up resources.

3. Making derogatory comments about individuals with disabilities, including calling them "window-lickers" and suggesting that they should be put down.

4. Promoting anti-Muslim sentiments by stating that Islam is "the problem" and calling for a "final solution" to the issue of Islamic extremism.

5. Mocking overweight individuals and promoting fat-shaming by saying that she wouldn't employ someone who is obese because they are "lazy" and lack self-discipline.

These statements have led to widespread condemnation and backlash against Katie Hopkins, with many accusing her of promoting hate speech and inciting discrimination.

Above is Katie hopkins worst sayings.

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