Kids late for the bus quotes and sayings

1. "The bus won't wait for you, so make sure you're on time!"

2. "Running late for the bus is a great cardio workout for kids!"

3. "Better late than never, but better on time than late for the bus!"

4. "Missing the bus is a lesson in time management for kids."

5. "The early bird catches the worm, but the late kid misses the bus."

6. "Don't let the bus leave without you - hustle and catch it on time!"

7. "Being late for the bus is a race you don't want to lose."

8. "Time waits for no one, especially not for kids late for the bus."

9. "The bus won't stop for your excuses, so be punctual!"

10. "A missed bus is a missed opportunity - be on time and seize the day!"

Above is Kids late for the bus quotes and sayings.

Red hair sayings

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Children's inspirational sayings

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