Kids sayings ice cream funny

Sure, here are some funny sayings about ice cream that kids might enjoy:

1. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!"

2. "Ice cream is my happy place."

3. "Life is better with sprinkles on top."

4. "I'm on a strict ice cream diet... I eat it every day!"

5. "Ice cream: the perfect excuse to eat dessert first."

6. "I'm not addicted to ice cream, we're just in a committed relationship."

7. "I'm not sharing my ice cream, it's a one-cone show."

8. "I don't need an excuse to eat ice cream, but I'll take one anyway."

9. "Ice cream is the answer, no matter what the question is."

10. "I'm not a regular kid, I'm a cool kid with ice cream."

Above is Kids sayings ice cream funny.

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