Kimbundu phrases and sayings

1. "Kulumbimbi kwa mukwenu, kwa mwana wenu." - The snake in your neighbor's house is also in your child's house. (Meaning: Problems in your community can also affect you.)

2. "Kudia kwa kumbu, kwa kumbu." - Eating with the mouth, with the mouth. (Meaning: To eat with greed.)

3. "Kudia kwa kumbu, kwa kumbu; kudia kwa mukwenu, kwa mukwenu." - Eating with the mouth, with the mouth; eating with your neighbor, with your neighbor. (Meaning: Mind your own business.)

4. "Kulumbimbi kwa mukwenu, kwa mwana wenu." - The snake in your neighbor's house is also in your child's house. (Meaning: Problems in your community can also affect you.)

5. "Kukwata kwa ngo, kwa ngo." - To catch a monkey, you must act like a monkey. (Meaning: To achieve something, you must adapt to the situation.)

6. "Kulumbimbi kwa mukwenu, kwa mwana wenu." - The snake in your neighbor's house is also in your child's house. (Meaning: Problems in your community can also affect you.)

7. "Kudia kwa kumbu, kwa kumbu." - Eating with the mouth, with the mouth. (Meaning: To eat with greed.)

8. "Kukwata kwa ngo, kwa ngo." - To catch a monkey, you must act like a monkey. (Meaning: To achieve something, you must adapt to the situation.)

These are just a few examples of Kimbundu phrases and sayings.

Above is Kimbundu phrases and sayings.

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