Kindergarten sayings graduation

Here are some kindergarten graduation sayings:

1. "Today is a big day, we're off to first grade!"

2. "Hats off to the graduates, you've learned so much!"

3. "From ABCs to 123s, you've come a long way!"

4. "Dream big, little graduates, the world is yours to explore!"

5. "Congratulations, you've graduated from crayons to pencils!"

6. "You've grown so much, both in height and in knowledge!"

7. "Kindergarten is over, but the fun and learning continue!"

8. "You're ready for the next chapter, first grade here you come!"

9. "You've made us proud, little graduates, keep reaching for the stars!"

10. "It's not goodbye, it's see you later, kindergarten friends!"

Above is Kindergarten sayings graduation.

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