Knights templar sayings

1. "Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam" - "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to your name give glory."

2. "In hoc signo vinces" - "In this sign you will conquer."

3. "Deus vult" - "God wills it."

4. "Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum" - "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you."

5. "Per crucem ad lucem" - "Through the cross to the light."

6. "Veritas vos liberabit" - "The truth will set you free."

7. "Non omnis moriar" - "I shall not wholly die."

8. "Fiat voluntas tua" - "Thy will be done."

9. "Ad majorem Dei gloriam" - "For the greater glory of God."

10. "Fortitudo et honor" - "Strength and honor."

Above is Knights templar sayings.

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