La befana special sayings

Here are some special sayings related to La Befana, the Italian Christmas witch:

1. "La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte." (La Befana comes at night with her shoes all tattered.)

2. "Se la Befana non trova la calza, lascia il carbone e se ne va." (If La Befana doesn't find the stocking, she leaves coal and goes away.)

3. "Chi la Befana non ha avuto, l'anno nuovo non gli è venuto." (Whoever hasn't had La Befana, the new year hasn't come to them.)

4. "La Befana vien di notte, con le scarpe tutte rotte, col cappello alla romana, viva viva la Befana!" (La Befana comes at night, with her shoes all tattered, with a Roman hat, long live La Befana!)

5. "La Befana tutte le feste porta via." (La Befana takes away all the holidays.)

These sayings are part of the folklore and traditions surrounding La Befana in Italy.

Above is La befana special sayings.

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