Ladino phrases and sayings

1. "Kuando la mar se kede blanka, la muerte no se eskapa." (When the sea turns white, death cannot escape.)

2. "El ke no save azer, ke sepa mandar." (He who does not know how to do, should know how to command.)

3. "Kada kual kon su kual." (Each one with their own.)

4. "Kuando la fruta kae, el palo se keda." (When the fruit falls, the stick remains.)

5. "Kuando la oveja bala, el lobo la kome." (When the sheep bleats, the wolf eats.)

6. "Kuando no ay pan, gana la kara." (When there is no bread, the face wins.)

7. "El ke kere, topa." (He who wants, finds.)

8. "Kuando el riko se enkarga de la kaza, el pobre se enkarga de la puerta." (When the rich take care of the house, the poor take care of the door.)

9. "El ojo del amo engorda el kavayo." (The eye of the master fattens the horse.)

10. "Kuando el diablo no tiene ke azer, mata moskas kon la kola." (When the devil has nothing to do, he kills flies with his tail.)

Above is Ladino phrases and sayings.

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