Lady whistledown sayings

Here are some famous Lady Whistledown sayings from the TV show "Bridgerton":

1. "The ton is abuzz with the latest scandal."

2. "It seems that everyone has a secret to hide."

3. "Love is a dangerous game in high society."

4. "One must always be wary of those who lurk in the shadows."

5. "Scandal is the currency of the elite."

6. "In the game of love, one must always be prepared to lose."

7. "Appearances can be deceiving in the world of the ton."

8. "Gossip spreads like wildfire in high society."

9. "Behind every smile lies a hidden agenda."

10. "The truth always has a way of coming to light."

Above is Lady whistledown sayings.

Old god sayings

1. As above, so below.2. The universe is within you.3. Trust in the cycles of nature.4. The power of creation lies within you.5. Listen to the whispers of the wind.6. The past is written, but the future is yours to shape.7. Embrace the darkness to find the light.8. Seek balance in all

Make like a baby and head out sayings

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1. Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning.2. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.3. When the wind is in the east, 'tis neither good for man nor beast.4. One hand for the ship, one hand for yourself.5. Fair winds and following seas.6. A sailor's d

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Rock and roll quotes and sayings

1. Rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. That's what happens to me. I can't help it. - Elvis Presley2. Rock and roll is here to stay. - Neil Young3. Rock and roll is not just music, it's a way of life. - Unknown4. I love rock and roll because it's