Last place sayings

1. "If you're not first, you're last."

2. "There's nowhere to go but up from here."

3. "It's not about where you finish, but how you run the race."

4. "Every setback is a setup for a comeback."

5. "Last place today, first place tomorrow."

6. "It's not the end of the road, just a bump in the journey."

7. "The only way to go from here is forward."

8. "Last place is just a starting point for improvement."

9. "The best lessons are often learned from defeat."

10. "Don't focus on the result, focus on the effort."

Above is Last place sayings.

Kristen stewart quotes sayings

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Sayings of redbeard

1. A pirate's life is a life for me.2. The sea is my mistress, and I am her loyal servant.3. Gold is the only language I speak.4. To sail is to live, to plunder is to thrive.5. A true pirate never backs down from a challenge.6. The only thing more dangerous than crossing swords with me is

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Sayings from the past

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Sayings for when someone commits suicide

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50th anniversary cake sayings

1. 50 Years of Love and Laughter2. Half a Century of Memories3. Golden Years Together4. Celebrating 50 Years of Marriage Bliss5. A Love That Stands the Test of Time6. Cheers to 50 Years of Togetherness7. Five Decades of Love and Commitment8. 50 Years Strong and Still Going9. A Lifet